Dipper Wave
The Wireless Remote Dipper Log Control System

This system allows you to wirelessly connect to your Dipper log dataloggers without unnecessary cables and problematic base stations. Through the use of a transmitter and receiver allows you to access data with your laptop in difficult to access areas or connect to over 250 Dipper Logs in a 1 km radius. Where time is money, this system practically pays for itself.


  • Full operation and control of your Dipper Log at a distance
  • Wirelessly interact with your Dipper Log up to 1 km (0.65 miles) away (line of sight)
  • Capable of setup, real-time reading and downloads
  • Enable you to efficiently and quickly access and acquire data
  • Save Time
  • Save Money - Low Cost
  • Ideal for sites that are difficult to access and dangerous or environmentally sensitive areas. No more struggling with a laptop in the rain, sleet or snow, full control in the comfort of shelter or vehicle
  • Fully Expandable to more sites
  • Control over 250 well sites
  • Retrofit existing Dipper Log systems (please call a heron representative)
  • FCC approved

Volver a Dipper-log                                         Volver a Opcionales Dipper-log

Obstacles include, rain, mud, two fences and private property
Carrying field equipment and fighting with fences
Remote connection allows you to avoid any obstacle and safely obtain your data